Posts tagged KS1
No, I Don't Wanna Do That (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to No, I Don’t Wanna Do That by Nick Cope with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Our Day Will Come Songbook

We are delighted to share with everyone brand new songs commissioned by Creative Island for our annual Vocal prom event at Carisbrooke Castle on Thursday 12th June! These songs are intended to be an expression of what it is to be a young person growing up on the Isle of Wight and to celebrate and champion their hopes for the future.

We have five new songs suitable for a a wide range of ages as suggested with lots of optional parts and arrangements suitable for a variety of ages and abilities. Along with the recordings and backing tracks you will also find pdfs of the the scores and a lyrics powerpoint to support practising these in your setting.

For those schools taking part in the vocal festival we would suggest that different age ranges learn the songs as suggested below but we will organise this with you during workshops to ensure you are happy and comfortable with what you are learning. Some songs are split into parts which will be ensure you have been allocated at your workshop to introduce the material. All songs will need to be learned off by heart for the outdoor performance where possible.

If you have not yet signed up for the vocal prom event and wish to do so please complete THIS form.

Our Day Will Come Project Lyrics for display and rehearsal

Time Is On Our Side by Graeme du Fresne

This cheerful song about school life on the IOW was written by Island composer Graeme du Fresne is suitable for both KS1 and KS2 with some optional harmonies during the chorus. We will be teaching actions in the workshop to support learning lyrics for KS1 pupils in particular. nb the lyrics on the score for this are slightly mismatched with the pdf and recording please refer to the recording and lyrics document for the final version.

Changemaker by Emily Barden

This fun and uplifting pop song from Emily is suitable for KS1, KS2 & KS3(verses only for KS1 if too difficult to learn all the way through) with some optional harmonies and echo phrases. Kindly borrowed from Portsmouth Music Hub’s Song Source resources.

You Are Not Alone by David Redston

This lovely musical theatre style song from Spotlight IOW’s composer in residence David Redston is suitable for all ages but we recommend KS1 only learn the chorus. schools will be allocated part to learn and follow in their introductory workshop. There are many optional harmonies and extras that could be included.

It’s My Story Now by David Redston

Another fab musical theatre song from David Redston suitable from KS2, KS3 & KS4 with lots of opportunities for harmonies and additional parts if you feel able to use them. Your workshop leader will make sure you are learning the correct part suitable for the ability of your students.

Can You Hear Us? by Jo Downs

This call and response pop song it suitable for all ages (KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4) and will be the finale of our event on the day. You will only need to learn the chorus for the this song as the verses will be filled by schools writing their own verses for the song as part of the songwriting project. During your workshop you will be assigned parts and learn the body percussion at the end of the track.

Green Green Grass (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to Green Green Grass Song by George Ezra with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Pokémon Theme Song (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to Pokémon Theme Song by Jason Paige with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Let's Go Out (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to I’ll Be Waiting by Cian Ducrot with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Let's Go Out (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to Let’s Go Out by London Rhymes with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Winter Winds (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to Winter Winds by Mumford & Sons with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

The Message (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to The Message by Jo Downs with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Donkey, Don't Stop! (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to Donkey, Don't Stop! by Jo Downs with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

A Big Night in Bethlehem (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to A Big Night in Bethlehem by Jo Downs with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Happy Happy Happy (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to Happy Happy Happy by London Rhymes with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Music Is in Everything (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to Music Is in Everything by Ziggy Marley with Lisa Loeb with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

A Big Night in Bethlehem! Christmas Songbook 2024

Below you find the songs and resources for our 2024 Christmas Songbook! This year after listening feedback from teachers we have focused our songs around the nativity story. Each song will tell the Christmas story sequentially and features varying styles and genres of music. Sign and sing video resources for each song will be added to our YouTube channel to support this and are embedded below.

Below you will find 6 songs - the first three have been written with Key Stage 1 pupils in mind and the last three are aimed at Key Stage 2 but any of them could be sung by either group if appropriate in your setting. For each song resource there is a guide track including vocals, a backing track and a pdf of the vocal score along with a lyrics document for printing and a powerpoint for easy display and learning along with the signing videos.

The tracks are as follows:

  1. The Message (KS1)

  2. Donkey, Don’t Stop! (KS1)

  3. A Big Night in Bethlehem (KS1)

  4. Under the Moonlit Sky (KS2)

  5. Herod - A Puppet King (KS2)

  6. Anthem for a Better World (KS2)

Thanks to:

Composer Jo Downs

PowerPoint resources Anna Thompsett

Illustrations Mabel Thompsett

Makaton content Vicky Trevithick

Recording & Editing Aidan Hampson

We Belong Together (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to We Belong Together by Randy Newman from Toy Story 3 with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Let's Be Friends (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion along to Let’s Be Friends by London Rhymes with Southampton & Isle of Wight Music.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Southampton Songbook 2014

Southampton Songbook 2014

The Southampton Songbook is a collection of original songs composed especially for the 50@50 project – a celebration of 50 events to mark 50 years of Southampton’s city status. Schools and individuals were invited to compose songs about Southampton’s people, places and history. The songs were mostly written with children and young people in mind (schools and choirs), however adults and community choirs may also find this book a useful resource to add to their repertoire.

Each song contains original lyrics and in some cases, children from several primary schools in Southampton have played a key part not only in writing the lyrics, but also offering ideas for the melodic, creative and stylistic content.

Find the complete songbook with lyrics and musical scores via the button below.

Find all of the downloadable audio files for the Southampton Songbook below.

Southampton Is The Best - Hightown Primary School

Three Cheers for Southampton - A. Jones

S is for Southampton - L. Mills

Come Along with Me - Jo Downs

The Legend of Sir Bevois - Jo Downs

Deep in the Heart of Southampton - Bitterne Park Primary School

Samba Round The Solent - A. Mills

Shopping at West Quay - A-M. Taylor

The Ships Sail In - Jo Downs

We're All Here From Around The World (Big Summer Sing)

We're All Here From Around The World - Big Summer Sing 2017

The songs are appropriate for both KS1 and KS2. Some could be sung in English if language is prohibitive or certain songs could work if pupils just sing in the chorus or just the responses.

Songs  collected and adapted by composer and choir leader Fiona Funnell (, accompanied by Julian Harrow on several ukuleles. The CD gives you the opportunity to learn the song and sing without the vocals if you wish.

Find the complete lyrics with actions, musical scores and teaching notes for We're All Here From Around The World (Big Summer Sing) via the buttons below.

Find all of the downloadable audio files for the We're All Here From Around The World (Big Summer Sing) below.






UK, Original Song


South Africa