Island Music Makers: Songwriters Den & Music Lessons

Island Music Makers have some wonderful opportunities for young people to learn and make music!

Sign ups are open for 2025. Find out more below and visit our Music Groups page for music groups run by the hub, our partner organisations and people we recommend!

Songwriters Den:

The Songwriters Den is a place for ​young people to come together and be supported to write songs, as part of a ​group and as individuals. No experience required.

Whether your child already plays an instrument or they’re looking to learn, or if ​they just enjoy creative writing - they should come along and meet some like ​minded creatives and start making music!

Who is it for: 8-16 yr olds

Where is it: Newport Congregational Church, Pyle Street

When is it: Wednesdays (during term time) from 4pm til 5pm (Oct to July)

What’s Involved?

  • Support to write lyrics and share ideas

  • Learn different song writing techniques and approaches

  • Create chord progressions and compose music

  • Explore instruments and live performance equipment

  • Opportunities to perform songs at local festivals and community venues

  • Option to work towards elements of GCSE and BTEC Music

PRICE: The first session is free! If they wish to continue after the first session, the ​cost is £28 per calendar month (paid by standing order from October to July).

The ​price covers the cost of resources as well as performances that take place ​outside the weekly club sessions.

*If your child is in receipt of support services or free school meals, you are ​entitled to a discount of 50% (£14 per calendar month). Please be sure to make a ​note of this on the form when you register your child. *