Big Sing: The Journey - Resources
Below you will find all the vocal resources for this project with downloadable sound files, scores and lyric sheets for rehearsal purposes. We have indicated which songs must be learned by all schools and those which are optional. Please note that this will be slightly different if you are a KS2 or KS3+ so read the notes carefully. If your school would like to feature in the performance and learn one of the optional songs then please do let us know and we can discuss further during your free vocal workshops with us.
Music by Rebecca Applin
Book by Rebecca Applin and Susannah Pearse
Lyrics by Susannah Pearse
1. Make Full Sail - All Schools to learn Voice 1, Voice 2 optional for all
2. Seek It With Thimbles - Optional for KS2 and KS3+
3. All Hangs in the Balance - All schools to learn both voices where possible, option for KS2 to follow the single line version if necessary
Mayflower 400
Music & Lyrics by Jo Downs
4. Mayflower 400 - All schools to learn part 1, parts 2 & 3 optional for KS2 but it would be very good to include, part 3 optional for KS2 & KS3+ but it would be very good for KS3+ to include
Music and lyrics by Stephanie Jayne Amies
Additional Music and Arrangements by Teddy Clements
Book By Stephanie Jayne Amies and Dinos Aristidou
5. You Don’t Know a Thing - Optional for KS2 and KS3+
6. Just For You - Optional for KS2 and KS3+
7. What We Leave Behind - All schools to learn, KS2 Voice 2 optional, KS3+ learn both Voices, first few verses will be divided between school groups tbc,
finale - from now on
Music and lyrics by Pasek and Paul
Additional Music and Arrangements by John Bell
8. From Now On - all schools to learn the Main Melody, optional upper and lower harmony parts suitable for upper KS2 and KS3+
The Voyage (Instrumental piece)
Music by James Redwood