Recordings from the Synthesis Project

The Synthesis Project has been working with young electronic musicians across Southampton and the Isle of Wight this year, and, as we all approach the end of the Spring Term, it is a great time to share some recordings and reflect on their achievements.

Mayflower 400 Pieces

The first two pieces were inspired by the Mayflower 400 commemorations. The first is an original composition by Callum, and the second, a remix of ‘Symphony 400’ by Keiran. Both pieces were played at the Mayflower Theatre in March.

Mayflower 400
Symphony 400 Remix

Hunnyhill Band

The next piece comes from a new iPad band based at Hunnyhill. The group is a Friday afternoon activity in the ‘Rainbow Room’: a teaching space to meet the needs of children and young people with social emotional and mental health needs (SEMH).

In January, the band set themselves the target of getting 100 new fans before Easter. To meet this ambitious goal, they worked together to create a brand new piece of music together that they would play to the whole school in assembly.

Sadly, school was closed before they had a chance to play their music for their friends and classmates — but their recording is here for you all to listen to, and perhaps they can count you as a new fan?

Hunnyhill Rainbow Room

The Synthesis Project has been funded by Youth Music.