First Access brings an inspiring start to 1,500 pupils this year
First Access musician performing at Sounds from the Stadium in 2016
This week sees the start of First Access projects all across the city. Delivered through three exciting class-based programmes — Prepare2Play, In2Music and SoundBites — Southampton Music Hub's First Access projects are giving the city's children an inspiring start to a lifelong journey with music. This year alone, nearly 1,500 pupils, in 50 classes across more than 20 schools throughout the city, will take part in whole class music lessons on a wide range of instruments.
Matt Brombley, Interim Hub Manager for Southampton Music Hub says:
"First Access is an amazing opportunity for children in Southampton to get their hands on a real musical instrument, and be inspired to start their own lifelong journey with music. Southampton Music Hub has a brilliant team of teachers who deliver exciting and inspiring lessons each week, leading to our First Access programmes being nationally recognised for their excellence. We all love music. But we also know the huge difference that learning music can make in the lives of our children: helping to develop intelligence, emotional literacy and social skills. For the 1,500 children starting their musical journey this year, we wish them every success for the incredible adventure that lays ahead of them."